Bunna Lawrie is The Whale Whisperer, a song man from an aboriginal tribe at Whale Rock, on the Nullarbor ocean cliffs at the Great Australian Bite, where his ancestors, the Mirning people have carried out ‘whale dreaming’ ceremonies for centuries.
The Mirning tribe have what they called ‘a dreamtime connection’ with the Southern Right whale. The dreaming connects past, present and future in one dream, in the ever evolving cycles of life, birth and death.
In keeping with the tradition of his ancestors, Bunna to this day communicates via song and whale sounds with the whales. He has the uncanny gift & ability to ‘call on’ the whales.
The Whale Whisperer story follows on from the documentary film story of the Mirning people told by the Julian Lennon produced film “Whaledreamers” in 2008.
